Order of service 13th September 2020

Live stream Morning Worship
led by the Revd Lucy Brierley

What now for the Church?

This Service, broadcast live, can be found via Facebook – www.facebook.com/wokingurc – or the front page of the Church’s website – www.wokingurc.org.uk   The Service will be available to see during the week as well.  If you would like some help to access either of them please email – office@wokingurc.org.uk .

This order of Service has been prepared so that you may fully participate at home and the sound of praise may ring across the town and many other parts of the world!

Most of the Services while the Church building is closed will continue to be recorded.  If you would like an mp3 (audio) file sent by a Dropbox link by email every week please send a message to the Church office (as above).  CDs (Sermon and Readings only) and DVDs will also be available and can be delivered or posted to you. Please email
office@wokingurc.org.uk or if you are unable to email telephone Dave Tuson on 07817 007780.

Welcome and Notices 
Call to Worship

Let your light shine!
Let your hearts be glad!
God is faithful to us, and God rules in love.
Then let us worship God.

Hymn – Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord

Hymn – Great is the Lord and most worthy of  praise

Prayers and the Lord’s Prayer

Sign of the Week

Family Time

Hymn – Come set your rule and reign (Build your kingdom here)

Bible Readings – NRSV

Ephesians 2 v13-22
Peter 2 v1-10 

Hymn–The Church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ our Lord (R&S 566)


Hymn–Longing for the light (Christ be our light)

Prayers for others

Hymn – Lord of the Church, we pray for our renewing (tune Londonderry Air)

Blessing & The Grace

Join us for Pause for Prayer every Wednesday at 7pm on www.wokingurc.org.uk and www.facebook.com/wokingurc

After the Service today – an opportunity to ‘meet’ each other via Zoom while you have your refreshments.  Follow the link on the Church’s website or Facebook page.
…at the same time, an invitation to share in prayers led by David Tuson, Church & Community Worker.  There will be an opportunity to pray out loud or silently for anything which is on your heart.  Follow the link on the Church’s website or Facebook page or use the login – https://zoom.us/j/93577271257

If you would like to give to the Church this can now be done through the link
https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/12916 – or via a link on the front page of the Church’s website.  Regular giving by standing order continues in the same way without 
interruption during this lockdown period.

News and Notices

Prayers are very important, particularly at this time of  isolation.  If you would like to request a prayer or volunteer to commit to praying regularly at home, and receive a prayer list please email Morwenna at  office@wokingurc.org.uk

If you would like to listen to another Service…..the URC is sending one out at 10 am each Sunday morning which can be accessed at any time afterwards.  Just go to –  https://devotions.urc.org.uk  – and you can also be signed up for the daily email which gives a Bible reading, a commentary and a prayer.

Today at 1.15 pm Songs of Praise on BBC1 features the URC General Secretary, the Revd Dr John Bradbury and the Editor of Reform, Steve Tomkins.

Monday  – The Girls’ Brigade and Boys’ Brigade Zoom meetings
6 pm – Anchor Boys & Explorer Girls (for 15 minutes) 
6.30 pm – Junior Section Girls (for 30 minutes) 
7 pm- Junior Section Boys (for 30 minutes) 
7.30 pm – Senior & Brigades’ Girls (for 40 minutes) 
8 pm – Company & Senior Boys (for 45 minutes) 
There is an invitation to all children and young people to share in this.  Parents – just send an email to:  girlsbrigade@wokingurc.org.uk  or boysbrigade@wokingurc.org.uk and you will be sent a pro forma consent email to complete and return.  On returning this you will be sent the ZOOM meeting room information for the relevant group together with some guidelines for the meeting. 

Tuesday – 10 am – Prayers for the Church’s work with children and young people.  An invitation to pray with Leonie Fisher, Children & Youth Worker for about half an hour.  Just follow the link –  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/73876320050?pwd=MzNWaS8ySGJMNElNSnVyV2dHZSsvQT09
Meeting ID: 738 7632 0050  
Passcode: WURCyouth

Wednesday – 11 am to 12 noon at the Church. Gifts for the York Road Project welcomed again – Bottled water, and fresh fruit and vegetables including potatoes, snacks, crisps and pot noodles or similar.

Thursday – 10 am – Prayers for help and healing. 
A short Service as close as possible to the weekly gathering for prayers which was held at the Church.
10.30 am Social Time Chat Everyone welcome at either or both. 
To share in either via Zoom the link is: https://Zoom.us/j/95986431118.   Should you need it, the meeting ID is 959-8643-1118.

Free Reform online has now ceased.  Details of how to take a new subscription for 2021, either paper or on-line, will be announced soon.

Origin Bookshop at Christ Church is now open again – 10am-5pm, Monday to Saturday.  They need your second-hand Christian books.  Please hand your pre-loved books in to the Bookshop. If you are having a clear-out they would love any Christian books (or any children’s books too) that you can spare.

Next live stream Worship occasions:
Wednesday 16th September –
7 pm Pause for Prayer
Sunday 20th September – 10.30 am Morning Worship – Hearing from God in the Covid age