The Full Story
Boys & Girls Brigades

4th Woking Boys' Brigade
Boy's Brigade is a great Christian uniformed organisation offering a fun, varied programme of activities for boys aged 5 -18 years, including the DofE Award Scheme.
New members of any age are welcome any time.
Monday Evenings:
Anchor Boys (Age 5 – Year 3) 5.30pm – 6.30pm
Junior Section (year 4 – year 6) 6pm – 7.30pm
Company Section (year 7 – year 9) 7.15pm – 9.15pm
Senior Section (year 10 – age 18) 7.15pm – 9.15pm
For more details contact:
Phil Ray (Captain)
1st Woking Girls' Brigade
The Girls’ Brigade (GB) is a Christian, international charity working alongside girls and young women of every background, ability and culture.
Since our foundation in 1893, GB has become known worldwide as a fun, interesting, challenging and relevant provider of activities, skills, care and Christian love for hundreds of thousands of young people.
Our motto is “Seek, Serve and Follow Christ”.
Monday Evenings:
Explorers and Juniors: 5:30-7:00pm
Seniors and Brigaders: 7:00-8:30pm
For more details contact:
Sue Loudon
During the summer the Girls and Boys Brigades are part of a 5-day church youth camp where young people have a great time learning new skills, enjoy being with each other and grow spiritually.