
Week of Jan 27th

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Mon 27 January 2020
Tue 28 January 2020(1 event)

Tue 28 January 2020

Wed 29 January 2020(1 event)

Wed 29 January 2020

Playgroup for babies and toddlers - tea and coffee provided. Lovely atmosphere and place for parents to meet and chat.

Thu 30 January 2020(2 events)

Thu 30 January 2020

Thu 30 January 2020

Fri 31 January 2020(2 events)

Fri 31 January 2020

Fri 31 January 2020

Sat 1 February 2020(1 event)

All day
Sat 1 February 2020

Here at the Woking Family Contact Centre, children living with one parent can meet and spend time with the other parent in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
An additional service offered to visiting parents who have permission to take their children out for the afternoon, is that they may use the Centre as a "handing over" venue
The Centre is run by a Coordinator and other trained volunteers.Oversight is the responsibility of a separate Management Committee whose members are also Trustees of the Charity
The Centre is one of a nationwide network of Contact Centres affiliated to the National Association of Contact Centres ( NACCC). NACCC provides guidance and support to its members. For further information visit

Sun 2 February 2020(1 event)

Sun 2 February 2020

Everyone is welcome on Sunday mornings for worship. You can expect a blend of traditional and contemporary worship, with age-related activities for children and young people. Communion takes place on the first Sunday of each month.

Stay on for tea and coffee after the service. If you’re new to the church we’d love to meet you.