Sunday 13th February 2022 10.30am

Morning Worship
Led by Revd Lucy Brierley

Back to the Bible
Who was Paul?


Welcome and Notices 

Call to Worship
Hymn –  Come, now is the time to worship
                      Now when peace like a river

Prayers and The Lord’s Prayer

Family Time

Hymn – Empty broken here I stand (Kyrie Eleison)

Children and Young People continue in groups

Bible Readings  – Acts 9 v1-22
                                    Philippians 3 v1-14

Hymn – Amazing Grace (R&S 92)


Hymn – All I once held dear

Prayers for Others & Offering Prayer

Hymn – And can it be, that I should gain (R&S 366) (tune Sagina)

Blessing & The Grace


You are invited to stay for refreshments after the Service if you wish.  They will be served in the Forum and in the Sanctuary and you are asked to sit to drink your coffee /tea and stay with the same people to minimise contact in this transition period.

Permits for Heathside Car Park
(free parking each Sunday 9.30-1.00) are  available from Welcomers.
The Traidcraft Stall will be open today in the Forum after the Service

If you would like to donate to the work of the Church
 this can be done in a variety of ways as described on the “Giving to the Church” page of the website. For one-off gifts, there is a direct link to the Dona online page from the “Give Online” button on the Home page, and the contactless device in the Forum is also available.  There will be a plate at the back of the Church for anyone wishing to make a cash donation or for Free-will offering envelopes.

Leading Worship elsewhere.
Andrew Gibb is at Wonersh URC this morning

The Bible Course
is shortly coming to an end.. The final session will be on Thursday 24th February, 10.00am (at the Church) and 7.45pm via Zoom.  Meeting ID: 835 9700 9666 
Dr Andrew Ollerton
, the writer and presenter of the course, will be
speaking during the service here on Sunday 6th March.

Lunch and Church Meeting on Sunday 27th February. 
There are
sign-up sheets in the Forum to book for lunch, offer to help and to give names for childcare during the meeting.  There is also a sheet for apologies for absence. Alternatively, you may also send an email to – – or leave a message on 01483 763078. The Church Meeting will have a Zoom link for participation from home.

URC logo cross and fish lapel badge. 
To order one price £2.99, just send a message to Morwenna in the Church Office by Friday (18th) and she will place an order.   The Minister is on leave this week.  Please contact one of your pastoral Elders, the Church & Community Worker or the Church Secretary in her absence.

Railway Station Underpass. 
This will be closed until the 21st March


Please note that any changes made after this order paper has been printed/circulated will be announced at the beginning of the Service or notified by email.

MONDAY2.00 pm Knitting Fellowship (in Youth Room)
Girls’ and Boys’ Brigades not meeting in this half-term week
TUESDAY10.00am Prayers for Children & Young People at the Church and by Zoom.
Link is: Meeting ID: 738 7632 0050
Passcode: WURCyouth
WEDNESDAY10.00 am  Baby & Toddler Group at the Church.  Please note that adult spaces are limited to 20
THURSDAY11.00am Prayers for help and healing by at the Church and by Zoom, followed by coffee and social time at 11.30. Please note revised times
Zoom – link:
Meeting ID – 959-8643-1118
1.00pm Lunch Club.
NEXT SUNDAY10.30 am Morning Worship led by the Minister.
How to read the Epistles
Collection point for food items for the York Road Project and yourSanctuary (Refugees) open every Sunday.
3.00pm T@3
5.45pm Youth Bible Study
UP-COMINGSunday 27th February – Lunch and Church Meeting. Please see signing up details on previous page
Friday 4th March—World Day of Prayer.  Local Service at 10.00am at St Mary’s Church, Horsell which will be live streamed.