Training for Transformation

Dear Friends,

We are now well into our series of ‘Training for Transformation’. It’s been great to share conversations with many of you about these themes and to hear both about the struggles and the things you find helpful when it comes to spiritual practices. Conversations about ‘Slowing’ have been particularly interesting. I think we’ve all felt challenged on what it means to be unhurried, even when we are busy. Observing Jesus’ practises of withdrawing in order to pray, to seek solitude and to find rest are models for us. But we also noticed how he, despite being busy and in demand, was never too hurried to notice people and to pour out love and compassion. How much more are we able to notice the things and people around us, and to love as Jesus loved, if we are unhurried too?

 At the moment we are pausing our exploration of the spiritual disciplines while we celebrate Easter. Immersing ourselves in the story of the sacrificial death and glorious resurrection of Jesus is so vital. It helps to ground us once more in the heart of our faith and to remind us of the ‘life in all it’s fulness’ that Jesus won for us on the cross. When we return to our ‘Training for Transformation’ we will continue exercising our spiritual muscles with practises which help us to live in the truth of Jesus’ victory and to embrace the fullness of life he desires for us all.

Here’s a look at where we’ve been and where we’re going… If you have missed any why not go back and catch up.

Sunday 10th March                    Slowing: Living an unhurried life

Sunday 17th March                    Church: Choosing to walk together

Sunday 14th April                        Prayer: Interrupting heaven

Sunday 21st April                        Scripture: Reading for transformation

Sunday 28th April                        Joy: Choosing to celebrate together

Sunday 5th May                            Confession: A life beyond regret

Sunday 19th May                         Pentecost: Hearing from the Holy Spirit

Sunday 26th May                         Serving: A life in tune with Jesus

Sunday 2nd June                          What now? Finding a Rule of Life

May God bless this journey we are on together and fill us with resurrection joy as we seek to live his ways.
